LG Electronics said on Monday it has increased TV production at its factory in Mexico by 30% when compared to a year ago to meet the higher demand it is anticipating for year-end sales across North America.
The South Korean electronics maker said demand in North America had been stagnant due to the COVID-19 pandemic but that this has steadily recovered, with local TV retailers now preparing for upcoming sales events such as Black Friday.
Demand for large-sized OLED TVs are surging in North America due to these trends, LG said.
The company's factory in Reynosa, located in the state of Tamaulipas, has been running two shifts, day and night, at full capacity since July, LG said.
All TVs produced at the factory are shipped to North America.
Both LG and Samsung saw profits and sales from home electronics soar in the third quarter from pent-up demand in response to the easing of lockdown measures that were caused by the pandemic.
LG said it expected this high demand to continue throughout the fourth quarter.
Last month, the company began official sales of its highly touted rollable OLED TV, the LG Signature OLED R, which costs $87,000.
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The Link LonkNovember 16, 2020 at 11:53AM
LG ramps up OLED TV production for Black Friday sales - ZDNet
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