LG is your awesome adoptable pet of the week. And she certainly is awesome. What a sweet smile Miss LG has. And those amber/caramel eyes are to die for. I think I see a little bit of chow-chow is this sweet pittie mix -- look at that cool speckled tongue.
From Lubbock Animal Services:
LG is a 2 year and 7 month old gray and white Pit mix who came to LAS 3 weeks ago. She is fixed and up to date on her shots. LG is fairly shy at first but once she warms up she is a very loving and friendly dog to everyone. She is on the smaller end of the Pit size spectrum, but she doesn’t let that slow her down. LG is waiting for the perfect family to come find her and give her the comfortable home she needs to relax and be herself
Lubbock Animal Services adoption center is located at 3323 SE Loop 289, and is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. When you adopt from LAS, you get a heck of a deal: a best friend that comes with all their requisite shots and is either spay/neutered, or has a certificate to have it done for free. Really, there's no better deal on the planet.
The love of my life is a mixed breed terrier that I found in a pawn store parking lot. I'm very, very partial to foundlings, whether you find them in the wilds of an E Z Pawn or at the shelter. They just seem to love more intensely and feel more loyal. Of course, I'm very biased. Here's Amok/Mucky/Moo Moo/Moocifer dressed as a hammerhead shark, because why not?
I highly encourage saving a baby, because that baby will save you 1,000 times over. Mine has.
The Link LonkNovember 10, 2020 at 03:07AM
LG the Pretty Pittie Is Your Awesome Adoptable Pet of the Week - Talk 1340
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